Saturday, 17 September 2011

Soldiers on rotation: Van Dieman’s Land

These images are designed as a new narrative for a museum/gallery exhibition similar to the exhibition ‘A Mission Too Late’ exhibition, I held at the Cullity Gallery at UWA two years ago.

These images try to capture the physicality of the landscape British troops experienced, during their 20 year rotation around the global British Empire. The dislocation of this military service is reflected in the rotation of troops in the armies of today. The image also tell of an operation now called the Black Line of 1830.

During this operation neatly 2,000 soldiers and convicts swept across Northern van Diemen’s land. Moving West to to east, this posse  attempted to corral all free living Indigenous Tasmanians living on the mainland of the island despite the operation reportedly finding only two Tasmanians in all of this land.

 Dr Adam Newcombe Sept. 2011


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